Friday, June 1, 2007


Am I the only one who tilts over HU SNGs that are worth nothing? I sometimes play HU sngs while watching TV - almost always PLO, PLO8, or limit omaha 8. When I REALLY want to tilt, I play limit holdem. So like 10 dollar sngs or so. Anycase, I find a guy who starts calling me a donk (standard) saying I was raising too much. I obviously end up playing him 14 times, only going 8-6 or so over that span. Two hours of my life wasted because of some punk who tilted me. I even won more matches, and I still was not happy! Atleast spiderman was on TV.

Oh, I cant wait for Vegas. I leave June 18th. It's possible that my GF will be with me the entire time, I'm trying to convince her to take a summer course at UNLV. (While I gamble, haha...) We need to get more interest in this blog, too. Also, hooray for laziness! Only 14,000 hands last month. Atleast I did a ton of coaching.

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AMT said...


coach me....and play more ;)

DevinLake said...

I tilt big time in low limit HU sngs. I can't beat them in fact. I don't know how to beat opponents who never ever fold to me, but who also never have less than 2pr by the river...