Sunday, July 1, 2007

midwest airlines - the best care in the air. O RLY? YA RLY

on the plane flying home something almost interesting happened. being in seat 1C i apparently get to see all the action up front. the copilot opens the little window in the cockpit door and then a few seconds later he comes out. a stewardess goes in and closes the door while the copilot then makes himself a drink and goes to the bathroom. after he is done he knocks on the cockpit door at which point the stewardess opens up the little window, looks at him for a second, and the closes it again. door does not open. the copilot decides to make small talk with the other stewardess (oops, female flight attendant) up front. by now almost 5 minutes have past. finally the cockpit door swings open and the chubby to moderately fat ~35 year old stewardess comes out giddy as a school girl. clearly my pilot is a pimp, although his game selection needs some work. but i cant rant on him too much as this is obviously a frequent occurrence. he is probably on the board of directors for the mile high club while i have been stuck in the measly road head club with the commonfolk for years. oh well, like my mother taught me, some things in life just arent fair.

grrr this stuff would have been up earlier but our apartment randomly has no internet since ive gotten back. furthermore it is difficult to write a pilot blowjob story whilst the old man next to you keeps starring at what you type. yes old dude next to me, i mean you.

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