Thursday, July 19, 2007

Farewell vegas

We all said goodbye to Devin tonight and Rob, Travis and myself accompanied him to a nice sushi dinner at Caesars palace at a fantastic sushi joint, shared a bottle of champagne and dropped him at the airport. We also had this awesomely georgeous blonde girl at the table across from ours, which made for a nice dinner view.

Tommorow I pack up and head back home to probably won't be as exciting there but it'll be nice to relax and see friends and family before we head to Europe for a wedding/family trip. Thanks for reading the blog (though I never really posted in it), and hope everyones doing well out there. Goodbye Vegas, you shall be missed until next time.


Monday, July 16, 2007

SNG tonight

We're going to play a live sit and go at the Palms casino tonight. This will be the first time many people in the house come to the strip in some time - VERY EXCITING!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

GKA coming, WSOP bustout

Two updates. The first is happy, the second is sad.
Dave Bach ("Green Kool Aid") is arriving tomorrow morning at 930 in the morning. I hope I can wake up (as can AMT) so we'll be there. Otherwise, he'll be stuck in McCarran Airport for a while!
I busted yesterday night, very late day 2b. There were roughly 1,000 players left (900 something) so I was 300ish away from the money. I'm not going to share any beats, only that I lost all 4 of my all in pots. (Well, I went 1-4, the win being AA>AQ in the middle of day 1!) I lost both big coinflips, and sadly, those coinflips could've been used to at the minimum make the money. I really, really could've used a win.
So, we're heading to the strip tonight, I'm probably going to play 2-5 nl just to book a win or whatnot.
*I think when GKA comes the plan is to go to the Vegas NBA summer league.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I had a semi-desperate stack going into Day2 for the Main Event. But found a way to chip up to a healthy 85k or so. Then a dude in EP raises, and a donkfish on the button calls. Im in the BB and have KK, so I 3bet. Both players call and the flopament is KQ6.....yes, touchdown. I lead out 18k and the EP dude basically minraises to 40k, so im like, "ty for your moneys" and put in the rest of my chips. He looks deflated as he calls and flips over AA. The turn is a 6 and the river brings the A.

The pot wouldve been at least 180k, and people are estimating a 200k stack would make the money. I win that hand about 90% of the time........

Im going to go find bengiec's razors now and kill myself k thx bai

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My GF comes and leaves

From June 4th to June 8th my GF Noelle was here in the house. I havent posted in a while, so I figured I'd make a couple quick notes:
1. The show "O" at the Bellagio was good, but overpriced, and very weird. French theater is... Bizarre.
2. Sushi Roku is an amazing restaurant, in Caesers.
3. So is Olives, at the Bellagio.
4. I like the champagne "Rosa".
5. Isura and Alreturns (he finally made it!) are in the house now, gotta get them to post.
6. Noelle thinks we all talk about "preflopping" too much.
7. Isura and I play Day 1d of the Main Event tomorrow. Somewhat nervous, table 170.
8. Devin and Travis survived day 1; Gary Stevenson and HEK did not.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Bengiec, complete strip club noob or comedic genius?

Man bengiec cannot hold his alcohol. He spent 10 minutes trying to convince a stripper that one of her coworkers had robbed him. And she kept trying to tell him that the she had been fired from her last two clubs for punching out customers that got on her nerves. Then he he said, "Hah look at this noob," to some guy at the ATM which almost caused a fight until Costanza_g and I intervened.

Next thing you know he's talking to bouncers about how busto he is(all while tearing up 1 dollar bills), and they're trying to convince him that it was worth it.

After we get back to the car, he stars talking about how he hates money and begins dumping unknown quantities of ones, fives, and twenties out the window into the parking garage.

Dear Stripper (Dancer)

You told me that the money didn't matter to you.
I believed you.
You told me that I was a special guy and that my money that I had was special.
You said that it would only be $260 plus tip.
I asked a second time and you said it would be $290.
I was ok with that.
You told me that I needed to go to an ATM. I agreed.
I threw $100 on the ground and told your skank ass to pick it up.
At this point I was getting even with you.
You stole $500 from me, Right from under my eyes.
My own drunken, sullen, glazed over, ripped up, eyes.
Your scar on your right nipple, I don't care, I payed you anyway.
But why did you send me to the ATM?
Are you so greedy that the $500 you found in my back pocket was not sufficient for your three kids?
I thought we had something special.
I guess I was wrong.
We had some memories.
I told some guy at the ATM he was a newb.
He was like, "Do we have a problem?"
I was like "Lol, you do, lol." Because you were getting money out of the ATM lol.
End of the story.
So stupid fucking *dancer*. Enjoy my money. I hope you die.

i asked for extras

and guess what they gave me

$1 bills.

devan lake cannot ban me.

i hope the fukcnf srippers comment. because she has a nastyt scar above her left nipple.


and then iu itlted and threw all my moeny out hte window. \fuck that cnt. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



some fucking cunt
stole $500 from me.

i walk into the club with $500. ok?
i walk out with .. $300....ok -$200. well fuck that. i don't like singles or $20's it's out the window. i threw $like monkey outthe window.


ihope the fucking cunt, that stole all my money. enjoys it, pay for your next boob job. pay f

she fucking reached into my pocket.

stupid cunt.

she reached into my fugkcing pocket. i never thought that would happen. i hope you fuckgin chink. i hope you build your business and die. a fiery fiery temper death.

good night. i hope the valet at the panormaa to\wers finds lie $300 waiting for him. lol. ..

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

2p2 Bracelet!!?!?!?!?

Today, Jonas (Riverboatking) is going to play the final table of the 10k buy in PLO championship event! He fought through a field of just about 400 players and was chip leader for a good part of the time, when he ran into some trouble against an enormous donkey at his table who decided AJT5 rainbow was a good PLO hand and when he couldnt catch his hand with over half the deck as outs (aka the favorite in the hand) against the same huge donkey. He ground back up and seems to be playing very very solid poker. Best of luck to him, we'll be on the rail, 2+2 needs this bracelet! gogogogog

my last day in vegas, hero cries.

edit: i wrote this at the airport like 3 days ago. my post is casually late as usual

i run good live. i ended up winning a $175 sat yesterday making me 2 for 2 in 1st place out of 10 in those. thats a 1/100 shot assuming no edge for you math wizards. i totally wasnt going to play a sat but this is what happened. I put my name on the 2-5nl list which had like 20 people on it. i go back to check on phil (omgclayaiken) in the 6max tourney for a bit. then i decide to pee and when i come back my name isnt on the list. Usually missing your name being called isnt that bad because it is crossed out and you can tell them to uncross it and you then become next in line. but they erased the entire board so i would have to start from scratch. yea i could have probably talked to her about it but the line was already pretty long.

i decide to check out the sat tourneys because my roi is like 700% in them. (due to awkward chopping, dont ask, sigh) i get to the back end of the long line and ask the guy in front of me if he knows how fast its been moving. he says he doesnt know because he just got there. for some reason thats exactly the answer i expected mostly due to my ignorant question. however i thought there was a small chance he had been in the line at another time of a similar length or something. no dice. at this point i realize this guy looks exactly like scotty from the movie Eurotrip. he face was identical but he was slightly bigger. i run the numbers; the movie is 3 yrs old, plus probably 6 months of editing time,etc. he probably packed on a few pounders since filming 3.5 years ago. i am now 80% confident this is him and look for others in the vicinity to engage in a suckers prop bet with my newfound confidence. no suckers are to be found and it is only me that is left to pursue the journey of discovering the mystery man's true identity. it was then the crazy coincidence of the situation dawned on me. in the past few days, the roommates and I have had at least two full discussions about the movie Eurotrip at our place. now im not exactly sure how a full discussion is different from a standard discussion but let me assure you there was a plethora of content. i finally decide that the odds of me being punked are less than 20% and this is likely the real deal. after a few more minutes of hesitation and awkward gawking at his cheekbones for reassurance, i finally crack:

"have you seen the movie eurotrip?"

"yea.. a few times actually."

"you look just like the star from that movie"

"i am that guy"

Solid. I was overjoyed to speak to my first celebrity yet at this point i realized that I had made a bad choice. the tourny line was long enough, plus i had a flight to catch and wanted to see the fountains at bellagio before i went home. winning a higher buying sat would take awhile. luckily, the lower the buyin, the less chips you get. i figured i needed to play in a smaller buyin $325 and hopefully go busto soon. i get to the front of the line and the guy is giving out tickets for a $175 sat. wtf mate? $175? my brain quickly does the math and realizes that there must be a $1500 tourny coming up because that is roughly the payout for that buying. I fight the movie star for a ticket from the usher and quickly turn it over to reveal a "table 228 seat 5" ticket. lo and behold the movie star shows a "table 228 seat 6" ticket meaning he will have position on me. heavens to murgatroid, im going to get run over by the star of the hit comedy Eurotrip! whatever will i do?

But wait, scotty sucks at poker! i mean i really didnt expect scott (his real name too omg) to be good at poker but its not like he is super rich and has tens of thousands to blow.

2 hands of suckiness:

he raises PF on the cutoff after a limper and gets 3 callers (why are you surprised?) flop is KT3 and he bets 2/3 the pot and folds to a push when he has 2/3 the original pot left behind lol. the other hand he raises to 300 from the hijack with blinds 50/100 and 500 behind. he hadnt been raising lots so i think for about 15 seconds (easy push winner take all, decent fold if you know there is a 3 handed chop) and finally push in the BB with ATs and he folds without much hesitation hahaha lol moviestaraments. naturally I end up shipping the win when I check Q8o in the BB when the SB completes with 6bb. Id push online but I had a good read after several hands HU and felt he was limping a lot of bigger type hands here. Flop is 56Q. I check, he checks. Turn is a 7. I check again for the bluff inducing supertrap, he bets 600 and I push. He insta calls with AQo and I obviously ship the river 4. nh gg wp ldo.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

midwest airlines - the best care in the air. O RLY? YA RLY

on the plane flying home something almost interesting happened. being in seat 1C i apparently get to see all the action up front. the copilot opens the little window in the cockpit door and then a few seconds later he comes out. a stewardess goes in and closes the door while the copilot then makes himself a drink and goes to the bathroom. after he is done he knocks on the cockpit door at which point the stewardess opens up the little window, looks at him for a second, and the closes it again. door does not open. the copilot decides to make small talk with the other stewardess (oops, female flight attendant) up front. by now almost 5 minutes have past. finally the cockpit door swings open and the chubby to moderately fat ~35 year old stewardess comes out giddy as a school girl. clearly my pilot is a pimp, although his game selection needs some work. but i cant rant on him too much as this is obviously a frequent occurrence. he is probably on the board of directors for the mile high club while i have been stuck in the measly road head club with the commonfolk for years. oh well, like my mother taught me, some things in life just arent fair.

grrr this stuff would have been up earlier but our apartment randomly has no internet since ive gotten back. furthermore it is difficult to write a pilot blowjob story whilst the old man next to you keeps starring at what you type. yes old dude next to me, i mean you.

A Stunning Realization

So I sit down at the Rio 2/5 unlimited bet game for some serious texas hold'em no limit action bet action. I glance around my table and immediately begin sizing up my fearsome opponents. I shift my eyes in a counter-clockwise manner because I'm a baller and don't use clocks. Among the sunglasses, hair gel, clever chip protectors, Jack Nine Suited hats, pocket aces/Las Vegas tattoos, I notice a diamond in the rough, a beauty among beasts, an amazing creature. At about seat 4 this anomaly (given the current meta game) my eyes come to a screeching halt. There is this 30 something bombshell, staring back at me. She's basically the most beautiful thing at the table, and in my head, the most beautiful thing in the world.

Obviously she was sitting across the table, so any of my pathetic attempts at her would seem infinitely more pathetic from across the table. I immediately conceded all of her attention to some guy with Las Vegas and hundred dollar (doLlA) bills tattooed on his left arm. My mind began to drift with all the magic the two of us could have that night if she would just give me the chance. Alas, I fear that night will never bear fruition as I'm sitting here typing this at 7:05am.

It was at this point in time I reached my Stunning Realization:

Women are to me as the "pop drop and lock move" is to a brother in the club at 2am.

It's like looking at a flop and knowing if it hit your hand or not. Only with girls it's like I usually always hit the nuts, unless they're some sort of beast that belongs at the zoo or something.

I'm not sure what all of this means, but I can safely assume that if women were as accessible to me as they I wish they were in my head, my dick would probably shred to pieces.