Thursday, July 19, 2007

Farewell vegas

We all said goodbye to Devin tonight and Rob, Travis and myself accompanied him to a nice sushi dinner at Caesars palace at a fantastic sushi joint, shared a bottle of champagne and dropped him at the airport. We also had this awesomely georgeous blonde girl at the table across from ours, which made for a nice dinner view.

Tommorow I pack up and head back home to probably won't be as exciting there but it'll be nice to relax and see friends and family before we head to Europe for a wedding/family trip. Thanks for reading the blog (though I never really posted in it), and hope everyones doing well out there. Goodbye Vegas, you shall be missed until next time.



DevinLake said...

Took me for a nice sushi dinner? I drove and paid for my own meal. It should read accompanied Devin for...

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