Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I had a semi-desperate stack going into Day2 for the Main Event. But found a way to chip up to a healthy 85k or so. Then a dude in EP raises, and a donkfish on the button calls. Im in the BB and have KK, so I 3bet. Both players call and the flopament is KQ6.....yes, touchdown. I lead out 18k and the EP dude basically minraises to 40k, so im like, "ty for your moneys" and put in the rest of my chips. He looks deflated as he calls and flips over AA. The turn is a 6 and the river brings the A.

The pot wouldve been at least 180k, and people are estimating a 200k stack would make the money. I win that hand about 90% of the time........

Im going to go find bengiec's razors now and kill myself k thx bai

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